In a quest to bring sanity and the respect of law in the country’s places of work, Minister of Labour, Honourable Eng. Vitumbiko Mumba has embarked on a high-level labour inspection.
During a surprise visit to CP Feeds on the Airport Road at Magwero, Topmax Malata in Njewa and ND Company at Njewa on Thursday January 16 in Lilongwe, the Ministry temporarily closed the three companies for non-adherence to the country’s labour laws, specifically the Occupational Safety and Health welfare Act.
It was revealed during the inspections that workers are being subjected to endangerment and unfair practices in the work place, including unsafe working conditions, underpayment and exploitation, failure to provide social protection and discrimination, violence and harassment, among other things.
“The visit has unearthed a number of shortfalls prevailing in the workplace, far beyond what I had thought when I received reports and this has left the Ministry with no option but to invoke Section 77 of Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare Act because of enormous risk to health and safety of the workers," he said.
According to Eng. Mumba, these companies will be opened as soon the violations have been remedied to be confirmed by a follow up special inspection.
“I am deeply saddened with what I have seen today and as the line Minister, I will make sure that no worker is subjected to unfair labour practices or any form of abuse. Government will not tolerate actions that undermine their rights, dignity, or safety,” he said.
Eng. Mumba has pledged to ensure that workers' rights are safeguarded as well as ensuring a safe and conducive work environment free from exploitation and endangerments that most workers are currently being subjected to.
Among other things, he said he will work together with employer and employee organisations in the country towards strengthening the capacity of workers unions, to ensure that all workers know their rights and are able to demand for the same.
He has since sent out a warning to companies in the country does not compromise the safety, rights, and dignity of workers, urging employers to prioritize the welfare of their employees and adhere to the laws governing the workplace, further adding that the Ministry will continue to monitor workplaces across the country and will take appropriate actions against any employer found violating workers' rights or safety standards.
During the visit to ND Company, the Minister was for over 30 minutes denied entry into the company’s premises to conduct an inspection, which contravenes the country’s labour laws that gives powers to the Minister and labour officers to conduct regular inspections in all places of work.