Ministry of Labour   +265(0)1 773 277
Republic of Malawi
Hon. Er Vitumbiko Mumba
Hon. Vitumbiko A.Z Mumba, Pr Eng, Minister of Labour
The Ministry of Labour's vision is to develop high quality, skilled and employable human resource, in an effort to create and increase wealth to the nation. The Ministry's mission is to facilitate technical and vocational training in Malawi to ensure a high quality, skilled, employable and productive workforce necessary for socio-economic development. Functions of the Ministry include developing and interpreting technical and vocational training policy; administering, managing and coordinating the implementation of policies relating to technical and vocational training; registering public and private technical and vocational institutions throughout the country; providing leadership to public technical colleges; coordinating with TEVET Authority on provision of formal and informal programmes; coordinating and monitoring the operations of private technical colleges throughout the country; ensuring transparent and gender balanced recruitment and training of students and providing quality assurance in the training system.

Current Activities
