Ministry of Labour   +265(0)1 773 277
Republic of Malawi

Two-day internal workshop on Zantchito Project

The Ministry of Labour in conjunction with the European Union funded Zantchito skills for jobs programme held a two-day internal workshop in Kasungu, Malawi earmarked to finalise the establishment of the Malawi national OSH policy as part of wider efforts to create a national OSH management framework for effective promotion of OSH and decent work at all workplaces in line with national legislation and international labour standards, particularly the Malawi ratified ILO C 155 on Occupational Safety and Health and Convention 187 on the promotional framework on OSH. The two-day workshop was facilitated by GOPA Worldwide Consultants and took place during the period 14-15 November 2022, bringing together twenty-two participants drawn from directorates of OSH, Labour services, planning and workers compensation under Malawi’s Ministry of Labour. EU ‘s efforts to strengthen the Malawi’s OSH management system falls under the framework of the decent job component of the Zantchito skills for jobs programme earmarked to create an enabling business environment for MSMEs and strengthening labour related laws for the attainment of decent job creation and sustainable economic growth in Malawi. The finalization of the national OSH policy was a timely, progressive, and momentous step in securing the future of work by ensuring attainment of OSH sustainability at all workplaces in Malawi thereby positively contributing to the realization of the economic growth milestones under the auspices of the Malawi 2063.

The workshop was officially opened by MrWafwile Musukwa, the Deputy Labour Commissioner on behalf of the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Labour who emphasized on the importance of the national OSH policy agenda in reviewing, updating and validating the national OSH enforcement mechanism, OSH national strategy, OSH national programmes and OSH laws. The Malawi national OSH policy was successfully finalized and presented to the Labour Commissioner for the necessary Government approval processes

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